Faded Front Leather Seats In Austin Healey Recoloured To Match Rear Seats
Products Used: Spray-On Leather Restoration Kit

Timaru local, Jim, owned this Austin Healey 3000 MKII which was his pride and joy. Only problem was, the front seats looked totally out of place.
At some stage, they had been recovered with new leather but as you can see, the finish was faded and worn.
The rear seats were vinyl ... it's just the front seats in leather. As you can imagine, to refinish seats with different coloured piping is going to be time consuming and require a great deal of care to get it right.
After going through the options, Jim was up for the challenge and the rear seat was removed for me to take away for a colour match.
Have a look at these BEFORE photos ...

All was quiet for a few weeks and then Jim phoned me to say he had finished the car and would I like to take some after photos.
It's always good to see the results folks have been getting with my products, so we made a time and here are the AFTER shots ...

I must be honest, I was super impressed with Jims results and his eye for detail really showed in the piping!
The colour match was bang-on too ... that guy knew what he was doing!
Jim was very proud of what he had accomplished ... and indeed he should be! A very professional job!
Here's what Jim had to say ...
"My comments that you may include in any promotion that you may to do.
Paul was very helpful with his tips as how the leather seats could be brought back up to like new finish.
He provided me with very useful instruction sheets as how the layman should do the refurbishment work.
He provided the various products, the exact colour match, in the correct quantities to do the job at a fair price.
He was very happy to provide me telephone advise when I needed additional assistance or encouragement.
Paul provided me with an excellent and very professional service.
Thankyou Paul - Jim"